Study circles
Baha’i study circles, which are multiplying rapidly throughout the world, are gatherings of Baha’is and non-Baha’is interested in an in-depth, systematic study of the Baha’i writings. The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of the Holy Word, to comprehend its meanings and to find ways to apply the Word to our lives through spiritual transformation and service to humanity.
Each study circle is based on one of seven themes in the curriculum, which is known as the Ruhi series of courses. The courses originated at the Ruhi Institute in Colombia. There is no charge to attend a Baha’i study circle beyond the price of a course book.
Study circle topics include understanding the Baha’i writings, the importance of prayer and life after death, learning about the lives of the Bab and Baha’u’llah and learning how to provide spiritual education to children.
The frequency and duration of each study circle are set by the group; a facilitator maintains the focus and pace. At the end of each course, study circle participants are asked to do service appropriate to what they’ve learned in the course.
An important and valuable element of the Baha’i study circles is the practice of memorizing passages from the Baha’i writings. To assist in this process, one study circle participant developed an interactive game called I Memorize, which includes all the passages included in the Ruhi courses.
To find a study circle near you, please fill out the Request Information form or call 314 942-3115 and leave a message.
Webster Groves
Super Sunday - January 7th, 2024
10:00 am at the BIC
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